I recently noticed that Verizon Wireless applied some typical MBA know how to their pricing scheme for smart phones. The old data options from Verizon were to either buy an unlimited everything (data, text, pix, and flix), or a multimedia package (text, pix, and flix). The former was $29.99, while the latter was $9.99. What this essentially did is charge light users of data the same as very heavy users and there was no difference in speed that was offered.
Verizon’s latest pricing includes differentiation in price for total data used for a month and connection speed. The premium is for faster service and/or greater data usage.
This is a concept affectionately referred to as price discrimination. They figured out that different folks are using their bandwidth differently and thus value that bandwidth differently. Now, its not pure discrimination because VZW is actually offering slightly differentiated products, but they are essentially charging different customers different prices based on their willingness to pay.
Other examples of price discrimination include a student or senior discount, in-state college tuition, and corporate discounts. In all of these situations businesses are trying to increase their overall profitability by selling to people at the maximum price they are willing to pay.
Obviously Verizon has a few MBA graduates on their payroll. Nice work VZW.